Core Values

Exclusive Focus on
Healthcare Design
Deliver smart solutions based on thoroughly understanding the business of healthcare
Commit to Healthcare Design expertise as a full-time calling, not a part-time job.
Cultivate innovation based on informed evidence and inspired creativity

Principal Involvement Throughout the Project
Deliver Seamless communication; prevent “lost in translation”
Envision the big picture while sweating the small stuff; provide clarity in complexity
Respond to issues in a timely, hands-on manner
Deliver leadership and value through service

Local Delivery of
Global Expertise
Be there as needed / when needed
Lead every project as empathetic stewards of our clients’ vision and resources
Embrace the diversity, strength, and spirit of community
Understand the local marketplace

We exist to serve you. To build your trust based on honesty and integrity. As servant leaders, our responsibility is to give form to your vision and lead the process to make it happen. You expect execution, not excuses. You expect timely solutions in critical situations. Others may claim to be experts or great designers, but we deliver these with responsiveness and responsibility.
Quality Control is the lifeblood of our service. Clarity and accuracy of communication is our focus in conveying ideas into reality. Our robust methods-driven approach proactively identifies issues before they become problems. Our proprietary Room-by-Room process systematically documents all aspects of each room so the entire team is on the same page.

Empathy is listening and understanding. To work collaboratively with our clients, consultants, contractors, - engaging, listening, questioning - until, together, we create innovative results far greater than the sum of the team's individual members. Empathy builds teamwork. It results in the mutual trust of dedicated individuals taking responsibility toward a common purpose. This purpose is ingrained into our culture.

Healthcare providers must continuously innovate to improve the efficiency, efficacy, and experience of healthcare. Investments you make in your facilities must adapt to a rapidly-changing marketplace. And accommodate future technologies that were once unimaginable. Our experience in LEAN methodologies and Evidence-Based Design research we innovate systems freed of waste, duplication, and error.

We design to inspire and heal. Design that supports the human body, mind, and spirit. We're focused on making people's lives better by designing places that promote well being from the inside out. Members of our staff are certified by the International Well Building Institute and can lead the process of achieving WELL documentation.

As good stewards of our clients' resources, we are passionate about delivering solutions that do more with less. And as global citizens, we also believe that it is our responsibility to incorporate sustainability, resilience, and adaptability into each project. We design healthy, highly efficient, and cost-saving green buildings. Thus, the majority of our staff is LEED certified.
(är tek’ n ä) n.
[from Greek archi- a prefix: foremost, original]
[from Greek techne- art, skill, craft]